Course Guideline Web Development

Web Development is a very big fields with many subjects and topics inside. Here are some course guidelines.

Web Dev is mainly divided into two major parameters:
1. Back-end Development
2. Front-end Development

Front-end Development:

Whatever we see in the browser an whatever we can extract from a browser is Front-end. Front-end consists of many different things. Scripts and markups. Some Front-end languages are: HTML,JavaScript,CSS. Web designing is a part of Front-end development.

Back-end Development:

Assume you are on Facebook. In Facebook you can never see other people's message. How this thing is controlled? This is controlled form the Back-end. Back-end processes all the data and send them to Clients so that they can interact with the server. PHP,NodeJS,Django(Python) are some well reputed languages we learn for Back-end development.

How are you going to choose which one to start with?

You should start with Basic Web Design first. Then go for Front-end development. There are some programming and other stuff you need to wait before starting the Back-end. Without a minimum knowledge about Back-end you can not fully learn or make things usable with Front-end.

But if you want to learn design only then you can go for Full-Front End Development.

What are the available courses?

  1. PHP
  2. NodeJS
  3. Django
  5. JavaScript
  6. Python
  7. C
  8. C++
  9. Micro-controller and Hardware Programming.
  10. And Much more

*There are 3 Divisions for each Language. Basic, Medium and Advance. All these courses are modifiable as per request.

Happy New Year!

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